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Event Information:
Sun02Jul201715:30Aarhus, Denmark
The Breaks
Saturday, 15:30 – Main stage at Himmelbjerget
Hidsig balkan og tung polska! Med improvisation som base koger The Breaks melodier sammen fra Bulgarien, Ungarn, Slovenien og Norden. Trioen med harmonikavirtuosen Matjia Solce fra Slovenien, Sofia fra Sverige, som specialiserer sig i bulgarisk folkemusik, samt den svensk-chilenske percussionist Stefan Hedborg kalder de sig The Breaks, men de tager sig sjældent en pause…
Wild balkan and heavy polska! With improvisation as the base The Breaks cook up melodies from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia and the Nordics. The trio consists of the accordion virtuoso Matjia Solce from Slovenia, Sofia from Sweden who has specialized in Bulgarian folk music and the Swedish-Chilean percussionist Stefan Hedborg. They call themselves The Breaks, but rarely ever take one…